I have officially been tagged by the Taggster!
These are the rules - post these rules on your blog. List: 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current obsessions/collections, 3 Facts about yourself. Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. My family
2. A good home-cooked meal by Mom
3. Justin
1. Not being prepared for something.
2. Being squished by two big beds in a small room.
(It was a weird reoccurring dream from when I was little)
3. Getting in a car accident and not having clean undies on. (Ha Ha)
1. Be prepared.
2. Be happy with what I have.
3. Like the Taggster BE DEBT FREE!
1. Raising my kids to be somewhat respectable adults.
2. Keeping my house clean.
3. I asked Justin, because he knows me best,
and he said, "Your Blog".
1. I sucked my finger for longer than I want to admit.
2. When I was little we had 13 cats at one time. Sorry mom! I had to tell everyone.
3. I got my only speeding ticket when I was sluffing school.
I payed the fine as quickly as possible so my mom wouldn't find out.
I tag...Rachel, Liz, and Clarissa ;)