Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shed Moving Party!

Yesterday Justin got the bug to move our shed. We weren't planning to move it that day, but he was ready, so get outta his way.
First of all he started jacking up the front end and got it about two feet up...Now what? Call in reinforcements!!
Justin called his only friend that he actually will do things with, and of course, Chris and the fam came to the rescue.
Once Justin had another person with testosterone to consult with, things started going a lot faster.
They got the 10X12 monster in the air, then they put it on our little trailer... No way! It was too big and was bottoming the poor thing out.
Then they went to a rental place and got a bigger trailer.
At this point, all the customers from the tattoo parlor next door came out to watch. And I'm sure all the other neighbors where very entertained by the craziness.
The guys got the trailer, with the Shed, to where we wanted it and up on blocks.
Now to get the trailer out!
Chris moved the trailer out, it started toppling( and almost squished the MIL)but, it crashed almost where we needed it. The boys just had to give it a few shoves and muscle it to an acceptable spot.
Meanwhile, Jaime, the kids, and I played and visited. The kids had soo much fun!!! Jaime and I where actually planning a Bon fire in case the move didn't work out. We all got a good laugh out of it...Well, maybe the guys didn't.
Thanks SOO much for your help Chris! Especially the Cracker Jack show!! And thanks Jaime, our photo journalist, I stole your slide show off of Photobucket.


Rachel's Family Blurp said...

I can't believe you moved that huge shed, I am amazed it didn't fall apart. We built that shed over 12 years ago, it is old.

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